Business Name: Advantage Geophysics, Inc.
Type of Services Offered: Consulting to support Environmental, Geotechnical, Archeological, Engineering contractors as well as evaluations and Mineral Resource Exploration.
Administrative Contact: Mehrnoush Yavary
Technical Contacts:

Mark Edwards

Year Established: 2023
Number of Employees: 11
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Services
Registrations: Arizona (R.G.), California (PE, PG, PGP), Missouri (RG), Oregon (RG)
Safety Certifications:

OSHA 40 Hour Health and Safety


Insurance Coverage:

— Workman’s Compensation

— Professional Liability:

— General Liability

— Automobile

— Excess Liability Umbrella

$1 Million Per Claim

$2 Million, $2 Million per aggregate

$2 Million, $4 Million per aggregate

$2 Million

$4 Million